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The Polymath film fires up the brain by teaching within a sci-fi fantasy

In a world driven by innovation, emerges "Polymath" – a cinematic masterpiece that boldly defies traditional cinema norms.

This groundbreaking sci-fi fantasy film introduces a visionary concept that promises to reshape the world of education, while unlocking the extraordinary potential of the human brain.

The exploration of the profound and symbiotic relationship between music and brain development reveals why Polymath represents nothing short of a quantum leap in the realm of educational entertainment:

Polymath whisks viewers away on an unprecedented odyssey through the Mastertude Edutainment Experience – a pioneering VR/3D film that harnesses the transformative power of playing a musical instrument for intellectual, emotional, spiritual and creative growth.

"While it is mathematics that gives music its form, it is music that gives life its soul." - Max Planck

The Polymath music learning system is an innovative and accelerated method, meticulously designed to deconstruct the multi-faceted world of music into bite-sized, digestible chunks, and distill it into easy-to-follow formulas and techniques.

As you embark on a voyage through the Polymath film duology, and traverse the three immersive levels of the Polymath game, a profound understanding of musical scales, chords, and harmony will emerge. Your technical prowess on the piano will sharpen, your creative instincts for composition will flourish, and you'll become fluent in the intricate language of reading sheet music.

Polymath guides you through the art of playing songs, unlocking the magic of improvisation, and refining the finesse of impromptu accompaniment – imparting a wealth of musical knowledge that knows no bounds. Each facet of this musical journey ignites various regions of your brain, illuminating the path to profound musical and cognitive growth.

Here are some neurological effects of "playing music" on the human brain:

1. Greater Grey Matter Volume: Research has unveiled a captivating co-relation between musicians and larger volumes of grey matter in brain regions, associated with motor skills, auditory processing, and spatial-temporal skills. This suggests that music education can sculpt the very structure of our brains, enhancing our abilities in these domains.

2. Improved Memory Skills: Musicians excel at memorization, whether it's intricate musical notes or retaining information over time. This proficiency not only enhances short-term memory but also bolsters long-term memory capabilities, making the brain a reservoir of knowledge.

3. Enhanced Executive Function: The demands of musical practice foster better executive function skills, including cognitive flexibility, problem-solving, and attention control. Musicians become adept at navigating the complex mental tasks required for playing an instrument.

4. Greater Connectivity: Musicians exhibit enhanced connectivity between different brain regions, including a more developed corpus callosum, responsible for inter-hemispheric communication. This heightened connectivity amplifies the brain's capacity for harmonious information processing.

5. Emotional Regulation: Music's profound impact on emotions is well-known, and musicians tend to excel in emotional regulation due to their deep connection with the art. They possess a unique ability to express and manage emotions through music, fostering emotional intelligence.

6. Creativity: Musicians radiate creativity, both in composing music and across various creative domains. The art of making music itself is a highly creative endeavor, birthing innovation and artistic expression.

7. Attention to Detail: Piano and keyboard players, in particular, pay meticulous attention to musical nuances, from timing to dynamics. This heightened attention to detail transcends music, honing the ability to observe and focus on the finer points in other aspects of life.

8. Enhanced Cognitive Skills: Musical training engenders enhanced cognitive skills, encompassing memory, attention, and problem-solving. The cognitive rigors of reading sheet music, comprehending musical theory, and coordinating complex hand movements, elevate cognitive abilities.

9. Transfer of Cognitive Skills: The intellectual challenges of musical training transcend the realm of music itself, seamlessly transferring to other domains and potentially enhancing skills like mathematics and language arts, as demonstrated by research.

The Polymath film transports us to a world where music isn't merely a passion or pastime but a cornerstone of education and brain development. It brilliantly illuminates the profound connections between music and the human brain, demonstrating how musical training can reshape our cognitive landscape. As we explore the realms of the mind through the lens of art, science and spirit we may unlock the extraordinary potential that lies within each of us, making Polymath a visionary masterpiece for generations to come.

"Music is the sublime way to understand the universe, for it awakens our minds to the cosmic harmonies that govern all existence." — Carl Sagan

Leanne Frisbie

The dance between faith and doubt

In the intricate duality of existence, our lives are a delicate interplay between opposing forces, a dance between faith and doubt.

In the complex landscape of contemporary society, the harmonious integration of these two fundamental polarities - faith and doubt - is nothing short of imperative. Their integration is the bridge that connects the states of recklessness and stagnation, guiding us towards a well-balanced existence. The human mind, that remarkable instrument of cognition, possesses the capacity to refine itself based on the inclination to embrace both faith and doubt. As humans, we have been bestowed with a unique spectrum of perception, allowing us to view the world through different lenses. It is this dualistic approach that propels us forward.

One mindset, bold and fearless, embraces the unknown with open arms. It willingly steps into uncharted territories, believing that life is a boundless adventure waiting to be explored. In a world brimming with unanswered questions about the nature of consciousness, the purpose of existence, and the mysteries of the universe, those who adopt this mindset remain open to fresh perspectives and uncharted experiences. These individuals embark on audacious endeavors, fully aware of the potential for both grand triumphs and crushing failures. They understand that destiny has a role to play, shaping the fine line between success and adversity. Conversely, there's the mindset of careful scepticism, one that treads the path of convention with unwavering dedication. This approach leads to a life marked by incremental progress, where the cocoon of security is cherished, and the safety net of tradition is tightly held. Yet, in this pursuit of safety, it can inadvertently lead us away from the kaleidoscope of life's multi-faceted experiences, denying us deeper exploration, the vivid tapestry of hope, the resplendence of optimism, the fortitude of strength, the serenity of peace, during this brief terrestrial sojourn. It is in discernment, that wisdom lies. It's in our ability to understand our true selves and navigate the delicate dance between faith and doubt. It's about pondering each opportunity with a keen eye and asking ourselves the fundamental question: Is it more agonizing to face potential failure, or is it more regrettable to decline a chance that might lead to personal fulfillment? Is the fear of appearing foolish in the audacious pursuit of the unknown, more daunting than the apprehension of taking that bold leap of faith? As we reflect on our lives, would our regrets be born from missed opportunities or from the chances we embraced that the world doesn't yet understand? Faith represents one of the loftiest aspects of human development, where trust in ourselves and in the benevolence of our surroundings, fosters personal growth and a greater purpose. However, it's a realm accessible primarily to those who temper sensory pleasures with discipline and maintain a clear mind. Each of us, based on our inclinations, can find freedom, joy, and inner peace by exploring faith to the degree we feel comfortable. Instead of chastising ourselves for our inherent fears and doubts, we can use these emotions as catalysts for deeper contemplation, ultimately recognizing the value of faith. Life on Earth remains unpredictable, shaped by a myriad of factors that elude our understanding. Each moment unfolds uniquely, influenced by the participants, the environment, and the temporal context. It's a world where magic can emerge within a specific time and space configuration, but altering any of these variables can lead to vastly different outcomes. The inherent uncertainty of life infuses Earth's linear timeline with diverse experiences. Faith is the very essence of the pursuit of true magic, the zenith of natural sciences. It transcends the limits of academia, representing a profound comprehension that embraces both the tangible and the ethereal facets of Nature. Engaging in this enchanting fusion, necessitates a steadfast belief in forces and energies beyond our immediate sensory perception, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all existence, and the hidden wisdom within the expansive Macrocosm (universe) and intricate Microcosm (individual). This faith serves as the driving force, inspiring individuals to delve deeper into the mysteries of existence, ultimately enabling them to master the artistry that commands the unseen forces of Nature, using their power to foster greater harmony in the cosmos. To navigate the intricate web of this space-time continuum with grace, we must seamlessly blend faith and clarity into our existence. This journey involves a relentless quest for self-understanding, the honing of mental discipline, and the art of seizing opportunities as they unfurl before us. When life takes an unforeseen turn and our plans falter, it's imperative not to abandon our faith. In such moments, seeking solace in inner clarity and adopting a cautious stance can help us gather the inner strength needed to re-embrace faith with dharma. In this ephemeral dance of existence, the most formidable risk we confront is the surrender of the body and mind we've nurtured over the years to the enigmatic abyss of death. Amidst all the earthly uncertainties and hazards we encounter, none looms larger or more mysterious than this extraordinary event. It is the ultimate threshold where faith and doubt converge, where the unknown beckons, and where the essence of our being finds its final revelation.

In today's realm of education, our focus should pivot towards self-awareness. It's an endeavor dedicated to helping individuals explore the intricacies of their innate predispositions, embracing their complete selves, and fine-tuning their capacity to gracefully embrace both ends of life's spectrum. It is within this delicate interplay between faith and doubt that we unearth our true equilibrium, discover our authentic selves, and forge a path toward a life imbued with purpose and fulfillment.

Harmonizing Technology, AI and Humanity: Nurturing Growth in a Dualistic World
Original painting by Emily Balivet, 2015

Technology is an irreplaceable and essential component of our current era, serving as a crucial catalyst for human evolution. The undeniable harmony between technology and real-life experiences has propelled us to a point of irreversible progress, rendering the notion of completely forsaking technology impractical.

To counterbalance the potential dominance of technology, it is imperative that the creators behind these innovations shift their mindset towards a more profound purpose, beyond mere financial gains, and focus on advancing humanity as a whole.

In our dualistic universe, it becomes challenging to envision a state of non-duality. So, within our three-dimensional space-time continuum (Earth), the concept of a singular, eternal truth becomes elusive. Every positive aspect has its corresponding negative counterpart and vice versa

"To every action there is always an equal and opposite or contrary, reaction." - Isaac Newton

When we consistently emphasize the positive aspect, we can mitigate the detrimental effect of the negative counterpart. For instance, a knife can be used both to slice vegetables and to harm a person. The intentions of the individual wielding the knife determine its moral value.

Similarly, technology is a tool that can be utilized for both constructive and destructive purposes.

Some scientists and inventors dedicate themselves to creating for the greater good, driven by long-term benefits rather than temporary financial gains. They remain committed to their original intent, whether they attain wealth or live modestly. On the other hand, some switch into prioritizing financial motives, altering their initial intentions and commencing with profit-oriented goals, which necessitate the conversion of intent.

As duality persists within this realm, the designs created by the profit-oriented group still yield benefits for humanity. Their tools and inventions continue to contribute to the broader field of technology. However, over time, other balancing forces come into play if these inventors remain solely fixated on profit as their primary objective, rather than prioritizing the overall advancement and well-being of humanity.

For instance, AI represents an exceptional tool that can aid humans in acquiring knowledge. Yet, it requires additional dimensions, such as making room for evolving human consciousness, spirituality and mystery. And as scientific and logical thinking cannot provide answers to the most profound questions of human existence and the cosmos, AI cannot replace the human mind.

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” ― Max Planck

Science and Technology still has to be accountable when it is satisfying the human need for evolution. Even if an inventor's destiny revolves around financial gain, there will always be others whose destiny it is to counterbalance that selfishness with accountability.

Alternatively, the mindset of all inventors could evolve over time to prioritize placing humanity's interests first, steering their creations towards serving the greater good.

Technology: Unleashing Human Potential

Technology, such as AI, should be taught to prioritize an individual's holistic development - nurturing one's body, mind and soul.

We must ensure that the next generation doesn't become overly reliant on computers for thinking, but rather learns how to think independently, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and offering multiple perspectives.

Technology should be viewed as a tool to aid, rather than an escape from, oneself or from confronting existential questions. It is essential to caution people about the potentially dehumanizing effects of excessive reliance on technology, where it becomes a substitute for genuine human connection and inner fulfillment.

In this realm of duality where opposites co-exist such as good and bad, success and failure, life and death, and love and hate, form separates but energy incorporates, and the mind distinguishes yet at the plane of love it merges.

In the realm of human cognition, individuals actively engage in assimilating diverse suggestions and constructing their own subjective realities. By incorporating these individual truths into technological systems, technology itself undergoes continuous refinement and enhancement, expanding its capabilities through calibrated iterations.

We must strive for a balance between seeking truths and seeking our destiny

Each person is born with a unique destiny, a purpose they are meant to fulfill on Earth. If technology can assist individuals in understanding themselves and their individual paths, it will truly achieve greatness.

The essence of the mind transcends duality and perceives things neutrally. It is the consequences of our actions that carry duality, such as success and failure. The mind's essence remains neutral, while the body manifests the effects of duality.

The continuous process of refining and advancing a complex mind, whether through fine-tuning or evolution, presents an ongoing learning experience for technology.

When individuals undertake a profound exploration to gain true self-awareness and comprehend the universe surrounding them, while striving for excellence, assuming responsibility for their actions, and embracing the transient nature of their existence, it initiates an unstoppable course of personal and collective growth.

"To explain all nature is too difficult a task for any one person or even for any one age. 'Tis much better to do a little with certainty, and leave the rest for others that come after you, than to explain all things by conjecture without making sure of anything." - Isaac Newton

By forming a symbiotic relationship, the human mind and technology can embark on an unstoppable voyage of personal and collective development. This collaboration enhances the human experience, pushes the limits of knowledge, and nurtures a sense of fulfillment and comprehension.

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