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Productive entertainment - inspiration for a smarter audience

Leanne Frisbie

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

Technological advancements and industry shifts are not the only reasons film need to evolve. Productive entertainment (edutainment) films will inspire a generation that takes a lot to be wowed for good reason...

The average IQ in industrialized countries has risen to keep pace with the complexity and technology of modern life, while people are in more sedentary jobs than ever before, so it's only natural that they look for stimulation in their leisure time. 

People today are stimulated by heightened and faster brain activity. This is why the gaming industry is flourishing, and fast-paced TV shows with multiple storylines and perspectives are so popular.

While it may not seem like it in some quarters, we are smarter now than we've ever been -the average IQ increases about 9 points every generation - and today we have technological advancements and access to knowledge at our fingertips to aid us. In these times, humanity yearns to evolve, learn, and grow, hence why self-improvement and higher education markets are worth billions.

In light of this, a golden opportunity is being missed if we don't also use entertainment to educate.

When it comes to film, to keep up with this smart generation we need to help viewers tap into heightened brain states (i.e a combination of alpha, theta, and gamma brain waves) through productive entertainment - providing viewers with a film experience that will stay with them long after the credits have rolled.

Mastertude Education eXperience (MEX) films will use the medium of storytelling to bring about the superhuman. As they watch the story unfold, this generation of thinkers will 'mirror' the attitude of impeccability, will, discipline, and focus that they observe in the story, thereby accessing their own genius.

To launch this concept of learning through narrative, Mastertude is creating a first-of-its-kind XR-3D sci-fi fantasy film called Polymath.

With the full weight of the "Hollywood machine" behind it, Polymath will be an exhilarating film with a robust and compelling narrative; it will also be embedded with a learning system, using MEX to teach the audience the skill of playing music with no prior experience needed. And this is just the beginning...

The human brain can learn and adapt best by merely observing and copying the actions of others. By watching the story unfold, and witnessing how the characters view and interact with the world as their best selves, the viewers are put in a state of participatory awe. Their consciousness is elevated to that of the characters, and through this "neuron mirroring", they are able to access their own capacity for genius. 

What distinguishes the MEX system from traditional teaching methods is that it focuses on the attitude of the learner, rather than the skill being learned, echoing how Pythagoras, Plato, and Socrates approached and blended the concepts of learning and entertainment. By merging the approach of ancient polymaths and the latest XR technologies, we aim to form a new learning system, and ultimately, a new reality.

 As Lawrence Pearsall Jacks stated: "A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both." 


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