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How our XR film and game can turn anyone into a musician

Leanne Frisbie

A love of music is something everyone on earth shares. We are born with this innate yearning to listen to and make music. Before a baby speaks or even crawls, you can witness her experimenting with sound and reacting to music. Yet, despite the fact that studies show most adults wish they had learned to play a musical instrument, most people are not proficient at playing. The research suggests that people's experience of learning an instrument has not been a happy one - they have found music lessons difficult or unenjoyable.

Anecdotally, we have talked to hundreds of people who have shared childhood memories of being whacked over the hand with a ruler if they fumbled a note, or finding the rote style of learning so boring that it put them off, only to regret that they didn't "stick with it" later in life, or even worse, we have spoken to many people who have been conditioned to believe that they are "not musical".

From our experience of teaching thousands of students using our unique music teaching method, we have come to understand that actually anyone is capable of being a musician, and a talented one, but that the conventional way of teaching music does not maximize the musical potential of students for the reasons stated above.

It is for this reason that Mastertude decided to take our very successful live music teaching method global, building on a proven formula by evolving it into an edutainment film and game.

Using our music system as a starting point, we have developed the revolutionary Mastertude Edutainment eXperience (MEX) to stimulate genius. With MEX and the utilization of film, gaming and immersive technologies, anyone can become a musician - learning the fundamentals of music in a 3-hour film, irrespective of their "talent". We firmly believe (and have seen) that everyone on earth is capable of genius and it is just a question of learning the right techniques to tap into this infinite potential. 

With the MEX, viewers are able to learn music much faster than conventional methods because of the system's unique approach to teaching. We have reconfigured the way music teachers traditionally think about seemingly complex musical concepts (scales, chords, reading music, composition, coordination of both hands and a lot more). Each concept is simplified and broken down into bite-sized chunks with our proprietary formulas (that are unknown to even the most experienced musician) – in a way that is both logical and straightforward.

Some have asked us why we don't just make an app with our music learning system, instead of going to all the trouble and expense of making an edutainment Hollywood film and a companion game.

Our reasons are very clear and carefully thought out:

The observation technique: the Polymath film switches between 1) passive viewing of a sci-fi fantasy narrative, where the participant observes the way polymaths think, create, visualize in patterns, access intuition and overcome adversity with heightened thought. This awe-filled observation experience fires up the viewer's neurons to mirror the polymaths' attitude and switch out of their habitual MO's based on fear, unbridled emotions or limited logic, and 2) interactive mode, where the participant plays a holographic MIDI keyboard in XR, while operating at their optimum learning capacity through neuron mirroring.

Honing the mind using musical perception: the Polymath film uses 'flow music', an exclusive method that enables participants to 'flow' in their unique way in order to help discipline the mind. This method focuses on ‘knowing thyself’ through the process of mastering the skill of music. Music practice to most people implies spending hours working on scales, chords, songs, etc. But this is not the practice we refer to. The most important practice is to practice focusing and honing the mind - the skills are then perfected as a result of this, and one can be in harmony with the entire universe! Pythagoras called this next level tapping into the Music of the Spheres. Einstein called it musical perception: “It [The theory of relativity] occurred to me by intuition, and music is the driving force behind this intuition. My new discovery is the result of musical perception.” - Albert Einstein

Each person has a frequency or a 'tone'; each act and thought has a frequency. A master musician is in total control of their body and mind as well as their musical instrument. Our own human "instrument", or being, projects frequencies onto this world. Acing it in any skill-set is easy, once the person has sufficient discipline of the mind. Then going from 'genius' to 'polymath' is a natural process as you are in control of your mind, and your mind is no longer in control of you. Swami Vivekanandan stated: "Education is the manifestation of perfection already existing in man.” 

The Polymath film and game demonstrate how it is important to spend an equal amount of time in silent reflection and on the music skills learned in the interactive sections – both go hand in hand for heightened learning. Music is one of the best tools to dig deep within our soul and truly find the reservoirs of wealth hidden within our being.

The process of learning music or any skill is easy and enjoyable once one works on refining themselves. The Mastertude method has successfully trained hundreds of beginners in music to pass the highest music exams (conducted by the reputed music exam boards Trinity College of Music, London and St. Cecilia School of Music, Australia) in three months. These exams usually take 8-10 years. 

XR technology and High Production Value: there will be no expense spared in making the film components of Polymath a highly captivating and exhilarating sci-fi fantasy, with all the qualities of a tentpole studio blockbuster, while the interactive segments will incorporate the latest technologies in AR, VR and AI.

Participants will not only leave this experience with the ability to play music, but they will also have a new and profound way to connect to their true nature. Polymath will help push the boundaries of perception and open a person up to the tremendous possibilities within their being. In the words of Arthur C. Clarke: “The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.”

In Polymath, participants learn music in a revolutionary manner that is holistic, pattern-based, fun and suitable for everyone, regardless of musical ability. So, even those people who thought that music tuition would never be part of their lives are able to tap into their inherent talent, and experience the joys of playing music.

As the great Ludwig van Beethoven said: “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents.” 


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